india: early morning in varanasi

indians have an unbelievable work ethic. early to bed, early to rise mentality. they are some of the hardest workers i have ever seen and they take so much pride in what they do. but the best way to start the day in varanasi is to do some calisthenics and take a bath in the ganges river.


saying good morning to the sun!


getting the blood flowing.

this woman sleeps and begs on the street.

smoking hashish.

on their way to school.

saddhu priest.

weighing wood for the funeral pyres.

pilgrims being led in prayer.

when there is a death in the family it is traditional for men to shave their heads.

morning puja.

taking a bath is way more fun indian-style.

brushing teeth.

breathing exercises.

combing his epic beard.

~ by jacobbmurphy on October 12, 2010.

5 Responses to “india: early morning in varanasi”

  1. […] I absolutely love this guy’s photos. I’ve been following his blog since he’s been in India. These things are epic. I love the way that he captures life. indians have an unbelievable work ethic. early to bed, early to rise mentality. they are some of the hardest workers i have ever seen and they take so much pride in what they do. but the best way to start the day in varanasi is to do some calisthenics and take a bath in the ganges river. commuting. saying good morning to the sun! push-ups. getting the blood flowing. this woman sleeps and begs on the street. smoking hashish. on their way to school … Read More […]

  2. Wonderful, wonderful. Its been 15 years since I was in Varanasi and your images bring it back.

  3. i liked ur photo graphic skills…. keep adding more and more photos

  4. Exceptional post. I love the photos immensely. Thank you.

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